Friday, February 1, 2008

Etsy sellers: get taggy. Increase sales and visibility.

Hey all you Etsy sellers out there. We have a favor to ask of you:

Beef up your tags!

We found the sauciest, most delectable cocktail hat, and we can't find IT or the seller again. We noticed when we were browsing that this seller had 5 skimpy little tags and thought that was odd. Odder still, the tags seemed irrelevant in the extreme.

Let's say we were looking for a cocktail hat with a pink flower and black feathers. Your tags would help us find your item if they said this:

accessories hair

hat fascinator pink

black feathers

flower rose

barette pin

your store name

cocktail dress up

etc etc.

Let's say you're selling a grey hoodie:

clothing hoodie

hood grey gray

sweater cotton

womans womens

blah blah blah

Describe your item, how will it be used, and what it contains (it's features). Bear in mind possible spelling differences and mistakes. The best tags we've seen on Etsy belong to seller Letitiah. She covers most of the bases so her stuff is easy to find. We like easy to find. We get depressed when we can't find your stuff when we dopily forget to book mark it.

Good tags are one way to increase your visibility and make your buyers lives easier. Even if you don't piggy back your tags (multiple in one line), at least attempt to fill ALL of the available slots with relevant, descriptive, tags.

1 comment:

Kristen Andrews said...

these are some great tips. Nice blog love that it is centered around Etsy. I would love to have my banner on your site. Here is my email:

Handmade Finds