Thursday, March 20, 2008

From the city with love

The urban jungle. The metropolitan playground. The bustling borough. Whatever you want to call it, there's something about a cityscape that makes the heart sing like no other. If you can't live there, stare wistfully at these pieces and dream until you make it!

Home is where our heart is by Vol25 nails it. A few basic apartment buildings with one special window--where the loved one lives. There's nothing like a loved one to bring meaning, warmth, and excitement to a place...without it, a city or neighborhood is just a bunch of sidewalk and windows. We also love the musical details.

Home is where our heart is

Pittsburgh 6th Street Bridge by Real City Art is insanely gorgeous and has all the features we crave in city art: a bridge, touches of pink, and a sense of something thriving and exciting. We've never been there, and perhaps you haven't, either, but chances are great that you've seen and loved a similar place and are inexplicably drawn to it, too. If you like this one, check out the other pieces featuring NYC and a city in Georgia.

Pittsburgh 6th Street Bridge by Real City Art

My Favorite Theatre by Bradley Ralph Robinson (brr--like SFC itself, come to think of it), features our favorite theatre, the Castro, in dramatic black and white. It is timeless and gorgeous, idealizing and yet capturing great Californian architecture. If you love this, check out his other SFC inspired art--truly fabulous.


And finally, Giving Off by Laura George because as any urban dweller knows, there are is a desperate beauty in pollution. Perhaps we morbid beings find beauty because we want to, but decay has always had its charms. The buildings are giving off vibrant star laden clouds--a fun burst of color near the tall, black buildings.

Giving Off by Laura George

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